Clojure Deref (Aug 3, 2024)

Clojure Deref (Aug 3, 2024)

03 August 2024
Alex Miller

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem (feed: RSS). Thanks to Anton Fonarev for link aggregation.

From the core

This week we’ve released three things:

The final program for the Conj is still a work in progress and we hope to have a full schedule available in the next week or two. Register now to be there in Alexandria, Virginia Oct 23-25th to talk about all things Clojure!

This week we’ve been focused on some issues with locals clearing of closed-over fields and that work has been released in 1.12.0-rc1 and backported to 1.11.4. See the 1.11.4 release notes for the details.

At this point we consider 1.12.0 to be complete pending feedback from the community. This is your last chance to try the new version before the official release - we welcome your feedback!

Podcasts and videos

Blogs, articles, and projects

Libraries and Tools

New releases and tools this week:

  • clojure 1.12.0-rc1 and 1.11.4 - The Clojure programming language

  • kind-pyplot 1-beta1 - Visualizing python plots with the Clojure Kindly convention

  • cljfx 1.9.1 - Declarative, functional and extensible wrapper of JavaFX inspired by better parts of react and re-frame

  • dev 1.0.39 - Dev tools for cljfx

  • stratify 0.1.0 - Visualize structure and dependencies of Clojure codebases

  • integrant.monkey 0.2.0 - Monkey around with your integrant system

  • pipeline-notifier - ready-made notifiers with excellent DX (Developer Experience) for your devops pipelines

  • clj-kondo 2024.08.01 - Static analyzer and linter for Clojure code that sparks joy

  • basilisp-kernel 1.1.0 - A Jupyter kernel for Basilisp, a Clojure compatible dialect implemented in Python

  • clofidence 0.3.1 - Bolster your Clojure test suite confidence

  • clay 2-beta15 - A tiny Clojure tool for dynamic workflow of data visualization and literate programming

  • cmdstan-clj 1-alpha2 - Using the Stan statistical modelling language from Clojure using the CmdStan CLI

  • clj-java-decompiler 0.3.6 - REPL-integrated Clojure-to-Java decompiler

  • overarch 0.29.1 - A data driven description of software architecture based on UML and the C4 model