Clojure Deref (Aug 23, 2024)

Clojure Deref (Aug 23, 2024)

23 August 2024
Alex Miller

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem (feed: RSS). Thanks to Anton Fonarev for link aggregation.

Blogs, articles, and projects

Libraries and Tools

New releases and tools this week:

  • rewrite-clj 1.1.48 - Rewrite Clojure code and edn

  • statecharts 1.2.5 - A Statechart library for CLJ(S)

  • fulcro 3.7.8 - A library for development of single-page full-stack web applications in clj/cljs

  • fusebox 1.0.5 - An extremely lightweight fault tolerance library for Clojure

  • clj-watson 6.0.0 - clojure deps SCA

  • tinywl-clj - A proof of concept Clojure port of the Tinywl wayland compositor

  • noj 2-alpha3-SNAPSHOT - A clojure framework for data science

  • navi 0.0.6 - A tiny, data-driven library converting OpenAPI spec to Reitit routes

  • xml-select 0.1.1 - XPath-style selectors for Clojure

  • replicant-mini-app - A tiny example of a Replicant app

  • tools.reader 1.5.0 - Clojure reader in Clojure

  • telemere v1.0.0-beta20 - Structured telemetry library for Clojure/Script

  • lazytest 0.4.0 - BDD test framework for Clojure

  • overarch 0.30.0 - A data driven description of software architecture based on UML and the C4 model

  • edamame 1.4.27 - Configurable EDN/Clojure parser with location metadata

  • pretty 3.1.1 - Library for helping print things prettily, in Clojure - ANSI fonts, formatted exceptions

  • fulcro-rad 1.6.5 - Fulcro Rapid Application Development