19 August 2022
Alex Miller
Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS)
What is a high-level language? - Eric Normand
Create a URL shortner with Clojure and MySQL - on the code again
Data Rabbit - Alpha 1, Quick Intro / Overview (cljs-only version) - Ryan Robitaille
Data Rabbit - nREPLs, SQL, JDBC, Viz (Nivo, Vega-lite), Sub-flows - Ryan Robitaille
Custom Clojure tooling: prepared for your taste - Ivana - Clojure Asia
Fix your Clojure code: Clojure comes with design patterns (Part 1) - Janet A. Carr
Ideas for DataScript 2 - Nikita Prokopov
Usando el lenguaje mejor pagado del mundo: Clojure - Adrián Arroyo Calle
Adding a hexbin layer to a mapbox map - Frankline Apiyo
Understanding transducers - Andrey Listopadov
New releases and tools this week:
jank - The jank programming language
clavascript - ClojureScript syntax to JavaScript compiler
antq 2.0.889 - Point out your outdated dependencies
uri-template 0.7.1 - Clojure implementation of URI Template (RFC 6570)
cli 0.3.35 - Turn Clojure functions into CLIs!
yoltq 0.2.60 - An opinionated Datomic queue for building (more) reliable systems
hermes 1.0.712 - A library and microservice implementing the health and care terminology SNOMED CT
helix 0.1.0 - A simple, easy to use library for React development in ClojureScript
fulcro 3.5.24 - A library for development of single-page full-stack web applications in clj/cljs