23 December 2021
Alex Miller
Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS)
We wish you happy holidays - hope you get to take a break and stay safe. We will be back in the new year…
Our new build process - Max Weber
defn Podcast - Eric Dallo
Clojurists Together October 2021 Monthly Update - Alyssa Parado
CIDER 1.2 (Nice) - Bozhidar Batsov
Clojure CLI tools - which execution option to use - Practicalli
Clojure CLI tools - understanding aliases - Practicalli
Simple Component Driven ClojureScript - David Vujic
Advanced Features of Clojure Atoms - Roman Stoffel
A clojure look at the problem - Ramesh Putalapattu
New releases and tools this week:
cowbells 0.1.0 - A Clojure library for musical experiments and live coding
clojure-lsp 2021.12.20-00.36.56 - A Language Server for Clojure(script)
colossal-squuid 0.1.3 - Library for generating sequential UUIDs, or SQUUIDs
nbb 0.1.0 - Ad-hoc CLJS scripting on Node.js using SCI
more.async 0.0.8 - A small library to do more stuff with core.async
nvd-clojure 2.0.0 - National Vulnerability Database dependency checker for Clojure projects
antq 1.3.1 - Point out your outdated dependencies
clj-kondo 2021.12.19 - A linter for Clojure code that sparks joy
statecharts 1.0.0-alpha2 - A Statechart library for CLJ(S)
fulcro-rad 1.1.0-RC14 - Fulcro Rapid Application Development
tools.build v0.7.3 - Builds as programs
build-clj v0.6.4 - Common build tasks abstracted into a library
deps-new v0.4.7 - A new, simpler alternative to clj-new
clj-new v1.2.381 - Generate new projects based on clj, Boot, or Leiningen Templates
Check out some really cool plots made with Clojure!