Clojure Deref (Dec 12, 2024)

Clojure Deref (Dec 12, 2024)

12 December 2024
Alex Miller

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem (feed: RSS). Thanks to Anton Fonarev for link aggregation.

Blogs, articles, and projects

Libraries and Tools

New releases and tools this week:

  • noj 2-beta2 - A clojure framework for data science

  • sitefox 0.0.26 - Node + cljs backend web framework

  • oci-vault 0.2.0 - Access the OCI vault api using Clojure

  • uix 1.3.0 - Idiomatic ClojureScript interface to modern React.js

  • cljstyle 0.17.642 - A tool for formatting Clojure code

  • pg2 0.1.23 - A fast PostgreSQL driver for Clojure

  • clj-proj 0.1.1 - A native (or transpiled) version of PROJ for both the JVM and JS ecosystems

  • clojure.gdx.backends.lwjgl3 1.13.0-0.1 - Clojure API for the libgdx lwjgl3 (desktop) backend

  • tableplot 1-beta1.2 - Easy layered graphics with Hanami & Tablecloth

  • pretty 3.3.0 - Library for helping print things prettily, in Clojure - ANSI fonts, formatted exceptions

  • basilisp 0.3.4 - A Clojure-compatible(-ish) Lisp dialect targeting Python 3.9+