Clojure Deref (Mar 15, 2024)

Clojure Deref (Mar 15, 2024)

15 March 2024
Alex Miller

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem (feed: RSS). Thanks to Anton Fonarev for link aggregation.

Blogs, articles, and projects

Libraries and Tools

New releases and tools this week:

  • pretty 2.3 - Library for helping print things prettily, in Clojure - ANSI fonts, formatted exceptions

  • ring 1.12.0 - Clojure HTTP server abstraction

  • hirundo 0.1.33 - Helidon 4.x RING adapter - using loom/java21+

  • clojure-lsp-intellij 2.1.0 - Intellij Plugin for Clojure & ClojureScript development via Language Server (LSP) made in Clojure

  • datalevin 0.9.3 - A simple, fast and versatile Datalog database

  • squint 0.7.96 - Light-weight ClojureScript dialect

  • Clojure-Sublimed 3.7.0 - Clojure support for Sublime Text 4

  • pg2 0.1.5 - A fast PostgreSQL driver for Clojure

  • calva 2.0.422 - Clojure & ClojureScript Interactive Programming for VS Code

  • timbre-json-appender 0.2.12 - JSON appender for Timbre

  • trace 1.1 - Better REPL based debugging output

  • vl-gallery-edn - vega-lite gallery in EDN format

  • deps.clj - A faithful port of the clojure CLI bash script to Clojure

  • guardrails 1.2.4 - Efficient, hassle-free function call validation with a concise inline syntax for clojure.spec and Malli

  • metamorph 0.2.4 - A Clojure library designed to providing pipelining operations

  • cli 0.8.58 - Turn Clojure functions into CLIs!

  • 0.7.3 - Machine learning functions for metamorph based on machine learning pipelines. Part of

  • clj-kondo 2024.03.13 - Static analyzer and linter for Clojure code that sparks joy

  • clojure-lsp 2024.03.13-13.11.00 - Clojure & ClojureScript Language Server (LSP) implementation

  • clay 2-alpha82 - A tiny Clojure tool for dynamic workflow of data visualization and literate programming

  • bubble-config - An aero powered config with environments aimed at Babashka tasks

  • yamlscript 0.1.42 - Programming in YAML

  • shadow-cljs-ext - Loading the shadow-cljs UI in browser devtools

  • easyreagent - Easy React Components for Reagent