Clojure Deref (Feb 14, 2022)

Clojure Deref (Feb 14, 2022)

14 February 2022
Alex Miller

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS)


This week I’d like to shout out the upcoming clojureD conference - check out the call for proposals and registration sites!

Libraries and Tools

New releases and tools this week:

  • bbb - A low friction, quick and easy way to develop CLI tools in Clojure that you can distribute as self-contained static binaries (babashka-bins)

  • transit-java 1.0.362 - Transit format implementation for Java

  • transit-clj 1.0.329 - Transit format implementation for Clojure

  • cascade 1.2.0 - A library of continuation-passing, thunk-producing versions of many Clojure core functions

  • holy-lambda 0.6.6 - The extraordinary simple, performant, and extensible custom AWS Lambda runtime for Clojure

  • maja 0.1.2 - A small helper library to help integration into Clojure applications

  • clojure-sound - Clojure Sound is a library for transforming digital media and communicating with MIDI devices

  • nbb 0.1.6 - Ad-hoc CLJS scripting on Node.js using SCI

  • pp-grid - A clojure library to construct formatted text

  • optimus 44605 - A Ring middleware for frontend performance optimization

  • Calva 2.0.243 - Calva is an integrated REPL powered environment for enjoyable and productive Clojure and ClojureScript development in Visual Studio Code

  • snowball - View the sizes of your dependencies

  • promesa 6.1.434 - A promise library for Clojure(Script)

  • antq 1.5.0 - Point out your outdated dependencies

  • clj-watson 2.1.2 - clojure deps SCA

  • clj-kondo 2022.02.09 - A linter for Clojure code that sparks joy

  • sci 0.2.9 - Configurable Clojure interpreter suitable for scripting and Clojure DSLs

  • relic 0.1.5 - Functional relational programming for Clojure(Script)

  • re-graph 0.1.17 - A graphql client for clojurescript and clojure

  • apptemplate - Application project template for Clojure

  • planck 2.26.0 - Stand-alone ClojureScript REPL

  • core.memoize 1.0.257 - A manipulable, pluggable, memoization framework for Clojure

  • re-learn 0.1.4 - A library for integrating tutorials into your re-frame/reagent application

  • timbre-json-appender 0.2.6 - JSON appender for Timbre

  • clojure-extras 0.5.4 - Custom features added on top of Cursive for Clojure Lovers like inline code evaluation, clj-kondo linting and more!