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Clojure Deref (Nov 18, 2022)

Clojure Deref (Nov 18, 2022)

18 November 2022
Alex Miller

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS)

Libraries and tools

New releases and tools this week:

  • proof-specs 0.1.7 - Automatic testing of clojure.spec data generators

  • nbb 1.0.144 - Scripting in Clojure on Node.js using SCI

  • malapropism 0.3.93 - Malli-backed configuration library

  • sci 0.5.35 - Configurable Clojure/Script interpreter suitable for scripting and Clojure DSLs

  • sember 0.0.12 - A single-file landing page generator for the individual self

  • promesa 9.1.536 - A promise library for Clojure(Script)

  • clj-json-pointer 1.0.0 - Simple Clojure(Script) library for working with JSON Pointer and JSON Patch

  • clj-hiera 2.0.0 - Generate Clojure namespace hierarchy graphs

  • Cursive 1.12.5-eap3 - The Clojure(Script) IDE that understands your code

  • Clojure CLI

  • 0.8.5 - Clojure builds as Clojure programs

  • yoltq 0.2.62 - An opinionated Datomic queue for building (more) reliable systems

  • cohesic-xtdb - Helper functions for the XTDB bitemporal database

  • cljs-emotion 2022-11-17.0.0 - ClojureScript wrapper of the emotion css-in-js library

  • pogonos 0.3.0 - Yet another Clojure(Script) implementation of the Mustache templating language

  • clj-test-containers 0.7.4 - Control Docker containers from your test lifecycle for Clojure integration tests

  • flow-storm-debugger 3.2.271 - A debugger for Clojure and ClojureScript with some unique features

  • hansel 0.1.17 - Instrument Clojure[Script] forms to trace it

  • fs 0.2.12 - File system utility library for Clojure

  • m1p 2022.11.15 - Map interpolation and DIY i18n/theming toolkit

  • fulcro-rad 1.3.8 - Fulcro Rapid Application Development

  • fulcro-rad-semantic-ui - Semantic UI Rendering Plugin for RAD

  • generic-lsp 0.1.3 - LSP capabilities for Atom/Pulsar

  • rewrite-edn 0.4.5 - Utility lib on top of rewrite-clj with common operations to update EDN