17 January 2025
Alex Miller
Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem (feed: RSS). Thanks to Anton Fonarev for link aggregation.
Apropos 2025-01-14 - apropos clojure
Clojure visual-tools 29 - Workflow Demos 3: FlowStorm - Sci Cloj
Content Made Simple Live Stream - Content Made Simple
Episode 2: hiccup and some more stuff - Content Made Simple
Episode 3 … upload - Content Made Simple
Sitefox: Full Stack ClojureScript Tutorial - mccormix
Where to store your (image) files in Leiningen project, and how to fetch them? - Clojure Diary
What’s in a component - Vincent Cantin
I quit my job to work on my programming language - Jeaye Wilkerson
Tracing Command Chains Through Time & Location - DOT • STUDIO
Internal tools and Electric Clojure, Part 2 - Dustin Getz
Multiplayer Board Game with Clojure and HTMX - Shagun Agrawal
Ornament - Laurence Chen
Deepwalking in Clojure - Mihir Deshpande
New releases and tools this week:
aws-simple-sign 2.0.0 - A Clojure library for pre-signing S3 URLs and signing HTTP requests for AWS
machinate 0.0.119 - a new new concurrent ml in clojure
gen 1.0.0 - A CLI tool to generate files and run commands from templates
figwheel-main 0.2.20 - Figwheel Main provides tooling for developing ClojureScript applications
clj-kondo 2025.01.16 - Static analyzer and linter for Clojure code that sparks joy
pathom3 2025.01.16-alpha - Interface with complex data via graph mapping
metamorph.ml 0.2 - Machine learning functions for metamorph based on machine learning pipelines
kind-clerk 1-alpha9 - An adapter for the Clerk tool to support the Kindly conventions
tableplot 1-beta8 - Easy layered graphics with Hanami & Tablecloth
statecharts 1.2.12 - A Statechart library for CLJ(S)
deps.clj - A faithful port of the clojure CLI bash script to Clojure
fulcro-inspect 4.0.6 - A tool for inspecting and debugging Fulcro applications during development
tableplot 1-beta9 - Easy layered graphics with Hanami & Tablecloth
polylith-kaocha 0.8.6 - Kaocha-based test runner for Polylith