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Destructuring in Clojure

What is Destructuring?

Destructuring is a way to concisely bind names to the values inside a data structure. Destructuring allows us to write more concise and readable code.

Consider the following example of extracting and naming values in a vector.

(def my-line [[5 10] [10 20]])

(let [p1 (first my-line)
      p2 (second my-line)
      x1 (first p1)
      y1 (second p1)
      x2 (first p2)
      y2 (second p2)]
  (println "Line from (" x1 "," y1 ") to (" x2 ", " y2 ")"))
;= "Line from ( 5 , 10 ) to ( 10 , 20 )"

This is perfectly valid, but the code extracting and naming the values in the vector obscures our intent. Destructuring allows us to more concisely extract and name important parts of complex data structures to make our code cleaner.

;= Using the same vector as above
(let [[p1 p2] my-line
      [x1 y1] p1
      [x2 y2] p2]
 (println "Line from (" x1 "," y1 ") to (" x2 ", " y2 ")"))
;= "Line from ( 5 , 10 ) to ( 10 , 20 )"

Rather than explicitly binding each variable, we describe where the values for the bindings can be found, based on their sequential order.

We start with a data structure my-line that looks like [[5 10] [10 20]]. In the destructuring form we describe the structure of the data as a vector containing two elements, p1 and p2, each of which are vectors themselves. This form binds the vector [5 10] to the symbol p1 and the vector [10 20] to the symbol p2. Since we want to work with the elements of p1 and p2 rather than the structures themselves, we destructure p1 and p2 within the same let statement. The vector p1 looks like this, [5 10], so to destructure it, we describe its form as a vector containing two elements, x1 and y1. This binds 5 to the symbol x1 and 10 to the symbol y1. The same is repeated for p2 binding 10 to x2 and 20 to y2. At this point, we now have everything we need to work with our data.

An even more concise version of this would recursively destructure without needing to assign bindings for p1 or p2 at all:

;= Using the same vector as above
(let [[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] my-line]
 (println "Line from (" x1 "," y1 ") to (" x2 ", " y2 ")"))
;= "Line from ( 5 , 10 ) to ( 10 , 20 )"

Sequential Destructuring

Clojure destructuring is broken up into two categories, sequential destructuring and associative destructuring. Sequential destructuring represents a sequential data structure as a Clojure vector within a let binding.

This type of destructuring can be used on any kind of data structure that can be traversed in linear time, including lists, vectors, seqs, strings, arrays, and anything that supports nth.

(def my-vector [1 2 3])
(def my-list '(1 2 3))
(def my-string "abc")

;= It should come as no surprise that this will print out 1 2 3
(let [[x y z] my-vector]
  (println x y z))
;= 1 2 3

;= We can also use a similar technique to destructure a list
(let [[x y z] my-list]
  (println x y z))
;= 1 2 3

;= For strings, the elements are destructured by character.
(let [[x y z] my-string]
  (println x y z)
  (map type [x y z]))
;= a b c
;= (java.lang.Character java.lang.Character java.lang.Character)

The key to sequential destructuring is that you bind the values one-by-one to the symbols in the vector. For instance the vector [x y z] will match each element one-by-one with the list '(1 2 3).

In some cases, the collection you are destructuring isn’t the exact same size as the destructuring bindings. If the vector is too small, the extra symbols will be bound to nil. In general, if the binding form does not match a value, the binding will be nil.

(def small-list '(1 2 3))
(let [[a b c d e f g] small-list]
  (println a b c d e f g))
;= 1 2 3 nil nil nil nil

On the other hand, if the collection is too large, the extra values are simply ignored.

(def large-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
(let [[a b c] large-list]
  (println a b c))
;= 1 2 3

Destructuring gives you total control over the elements that you choose to bind (or not) and how you bind them.

Many times, you don’t need access to every element in a collection, only certain ones.

(def names ["Michael" "Amber" "Aaron" "Nick" "Earl" "Joe"])

Say you want to print the first element on one line and the remainder on another line.

(let [[item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6] names]
  (println item1)
  (println item2 item3 item4 item5 item6))
;= Michael
;= Amber Aaron Nick Earl Joe

This binding works but even using destructuring it’s pretty clunky. Instead we can use & to combine the tail elements into a sequence.

(let [[item1 & remaining] names]
  (println item1)
  (apply println remaining))
;= Michael
;= Amber Aaron Nick Earl Joe

You can ignore bindings that you don’t intend on using by binding them to any symbol of your choosing.

(let [[item1 _ item3 _ item5 _] names]
  (println "Odd names:" item1 item3 item5))
;= Odd names: Michael Aaron Earl

The convention for this is to use an underscore like above.

You can use :as all to bind the entire vector to the symbol all.

(let [[item1 :as all] names]
  (println "The first name from" all "is" item1))
;= The first name from [Michael Amber Aaron Nick Earl Joe] is Michael

Let’s stop for a bit and look a little further into the types of :as and &.

(def numbers [1 2 3 4 5])
(let [[x & remaining :as all] numbers]
  (apply prn [remaining all]))
;= (2 3 4 5) [1 2 3 4 5]

Here remaining is bound to a sequence containing the remaining elements of the numbers vector while all has been bound to the original vector. What happens when we destructure a string instead?

(def word "Clojure")
(let [[x & remaining :as all] word]
  (apply prn [x remaining all]))
;= \C (\l \o \j \u \r \e) "Clojure"

Here all is bound to the original structure (String, vector, list, whatever it may be) and x is bound to the character \C, and remaining is the remaining list of characters.

You can combine any or all of these techniques at the same time at your discretion.

(def fruits ["apple" "orange" "strawberry" "peach" "pear" "lemon"])
(let [[item1 _ item3 & remaining :as all-fruits] fruits]
  (println "The first and third fruits are" item1 "and" item3)
  (println "These were taken from" all-fruits)
  (println "The fruits after them are" remaining))
;= The first and third fruits are apple and strawberry
;= These were taken from [apple orange strawberry peach pear lemon]
;= The fruits after them are (peach pear lemon)

Destructuring can also be nested to get access to arbitrary levels of sequential structure. Let’s go back to our vector from the very beginning, my-line.

(def my-line [[5 10] [10 20]])

This vector is comprised of nested vectors that we can access directly.

(let [[[x1 y1][x2 y2]] my-line]
  (println "Line from (" x1 "," y1 ") to (" x2 ", " y2 ")"))
;= "Line from ( 5 , 10 ) to ( 10 , 20 )"

When you have nested vectors, you can use :as or & at any level as well.

(let [[[a b :as group1] [c d :as group2]] my-line]
  (println a b group1)
  (println c d group2))
;= 5 10 [5 10]
;= 10 20 [10 20]

Associative Destructuring

Associative destructuring is similar to sequential destructuring, but applied instead to associative (key-value) structures (including maps, records, vectors, etc). The associative bindings are concerned with concisely extracting values of the map by key.

Let’s first consider an example that extracts values from a map without destructuring:

(def client {:name "Super Co."
             :location "Philadelphia"
             :description "The worldwide leader in plastic tableware."})

(let [name (:name client)
      location (:location client)
      description (:description client)]
  (println name location "-" description))
;= Super Co. Philadelphia - The worldwide leader in plastic tableware.

Note that each line of the let binding is essentially the same - it extracts a value from the map by the name of the key, then binds it to a local with the same name.

Below is a first example of doing the same thing with associative destructuring:

(let [{name :name
       location :location
       description :description} client]
  (println name location "-" description))
;= Super Co. Philadelphia - The worldwide leader in plastic tableware.

The destructuring form is now a map rather than a vector, and instead of a symbol on the left side of the let, we have a map. The keys of the map are the symbols we want to bind in the let. The values of the destructuring map are the keys we will look up in the associative value. Here they are keywords (the most common case), but they could be any key value - numbers, strings, symbols, etc.

Similar to sequential destructuring, if you try to bind a key that is not present in the map, the binding value will be nil.

(let [{category :category} client]
  (println category))
;= nil

Associative destructuring, however, also allows you to supply a default value if the key is not present in the associative value with the :or key.

(let [{category :category, :or {category "Category not found"}} client]
  (println category))
;= Category not found

The value for :or is a map where the bound symbol (here category) is bound to the expression "Category not found". When category is not found in client, it is instead found in the :or map and bound to that value instead.

In sequential destructuring, you generally bind unneeded values with an _. Since associative destructuring doesn’t require traversing the entire structure, you can simply omit any keys you don’t plan on using from the destructuring form.

If you need access to the entire map, you can use the :as key to bind the entire incoming value, just as in sequential destructuring.

(let [{name :name :as all} client]
  (println "The name from" all "is" name))
;= The name from {:name Super Co., :location Philadelphia, :description The world wide leader in plastic table-ware.} is Super Co.

The :as and :or keywords can be combined in a single destructuring.

(def my-map {:a "A" :b "B" :c 3 :d 4})
(let [{a :a, x :x, :or {x "Not found!"}, :as all} my-map]
  (println "I got" a "from" all)
  (println "Where is x?" x))
;= I got A from {:a "A" :b "B" :c 3 :d 4}
;= Where is x? Not found!

You might have noticed that our original example still contains redundant information (the local binding name and the key name) in the associative destructuring form. The :keys key can be used to further remove the duplication:

(let [{:keys [name location description]} client]
  (println name location "-" description))
;= Super Co. Philadelphia - The worldwide leader in plastic tableware.

This example is exactly the same as the prior version - it binds name to (:name client), location to (:location client), and description to (:description client).

The :keys key is for associative values with keyword keys, but there are also :strs and :syms for string and symbol keys respectively. In all of these cases the vector contains symbols which are the local binding names.

(def string-keys {"first-name" "Joe" "last-name" "Smith"})

(let [{:strs [first-name last-name]} string-keys]
  (println first-name last-name))
;= Joe Smith

(def symbol-keys {'first-name "Jane" 'last-name "Doe"})

(let [{:syms [first-name last-name]} symbol-keys]
  (println first-name last-name))
;= Jane Doe

Associative destructuring can be nested and combined with sequential destructuring as needed.

(def multiplayer-game-state
  {:joe {:class "Ranger"
         :weapon "Longbow"
         :score 100}
   :jane {:class "Knight"
          :weapon "Greatsword"
          :score 140}
   :ryan {:class "Wizard"
          :weapon "Mystic Staff"
          :score 150}})

(let [{{:keys [class weapon]} :joe} multiplayer-game-state]
  (println "Joe is a" class "wielding a" weapon))
;= Joe is a Ranger wielding a Longbow

Keyword arguments

One special case is using associative destructuring for keyword-arg parsing. Consider a function that takes options :debug and :verbose. These could be specified in an options map:

(defn configure [val options]
  (let [{:keys [debug verbose] :or {debug false, verbose false}} options]
    (println "val =" val " debug =" debug " verbose =" verbose)))

(configure 12 {:debug true})
;;val = 12  debug = true  verbose = false

However, it would be nicer to type if we could pass those optional arguments as just additional "keyword" arguments like this:

(configure 12 :debug true)

To support this style of invocation, associative destructuring also works with lists or sequences of key-value pairs for keyword argument parsing. The sequence comes from the rest arg of a variadic function but is destructured not with sequential destructuring, but with associative destructuring (so a sequence destructured as if it were the key-value pairs in a map):

(defn configure [val & {:keys [debug verbose]
                        :or {debug false, verbose false}
                        :as opts}]
  (println "val =" val " debug =" debug " verbose =" verbose " opts =" opts))

(configure 10)
;;val = 10  debug = false  verbose = false  opts = nil

(configure 5 :debug true)
;;val = 5  debug = true  verbose = false  opts = {:debug true}

;; Note that any order is ok for the kwargs
(configure 12 :verbose true :debug true)
;;val = 12  debug = true  verbose = true  opts = {:verbose true, :debug true}

The use of keyword arguments had fallen in and out of fashion in the Clojure community over the years. They are now mostly used when presenting interfaces that people are expected to type at the REPL or the outermost layers of an API. In general, inner layers of the code found it easier to pass options as an explicit map. However, in Clojure 1.11 the capability was added to allow passing of alternating key→values, or a map of those same mappings, or even a map with key→values before it to functions expecting keyword arguments. Therefore, the call to configure above can take any of the following forms in addition to those shown above:

 (configure 12 {:verbose true :debug true})
;;val = 12  debug = true  verbose = true

 (configure 12 :debug true {:verbose true})
;;val = 12  debug = true  verbose = true

The trailing map to functions expecting keyword aguments is often useful in overriding the default keys provided as key→value pairs.

Namespaced keywords

If the keys in your map are namespaced keywords, you can also use destructuring with it, even though local binding symbols are not allowed to have namespaces. Destructuring a namespaced key will bind a value to the local name part of the key and drop the namespace. (Thus you can use :or as with a non-namespaced key.)

(def human {:person/name "Franklin"
            :person/age 25
            :hobby/hobbies "running"})
(let [{:keys [hobby/hobbies]
       :person/keys [name age]
       :or {age 0}} human]
  (println name "is" age "and likes" hobbies))
;= Franklin is 25 and likes running

Destructuring namespaced keywords using :keys alone can result in local bindings that clash. Because all map destructuring options can be combined, any local binding form can be defined individually.

(def human {:person/name "Franklin"
            :person/age 25
            :hobby/name "running"})
(let [{:person/keys [age]
       hobby-name :hobby/name
       person-name :person/name} human]
  (println person-name "is" age "and likes" hobby-name))
;= Franklin is 25 and likes running

You can even destructure using auto-resolved keywords, which will again be bound to only the name part of the key:

;; this assumes you have a person.clj namespace in your project
;; if not do the following at your repl instead: (create-ns 'person) (alias 'p 'person)
(require '[person :as p])

(let [person {::p/name "Franklin", ::p/age 25}
      {:keys [::p/name ::p/age]} person]
  (println name "is" age))

;= Franklin is 25

Creating and destructuring maps with auto-resolved keywords allow us to write code using a namespace alias (here p) that is defined by a require in the current namespace, giving us a means of namespace indirection that can be changed at a single place in the code.

All symbols bound in the context of destructuring can be further destructured - this allows destructuring to be used in a nested fashion for both sequential and associative destructuring. It is less obvious, but this also extends to the symbol defined after &.

This example destructures the & seq in place to decode the rest of the arguments as options (note that we are thus destructuring the two arguments sequentially and the rest associatively):

(defn f-with-options
  [a b & {:keys [opt1]}]
  (println "Got" a b opt1))

(f-with-options 1 2 :opt1 true)
;= Got 1 2 true

Where to destructure

You can utilize destructuring anywhere that there is an explicit or implicit let binding.

One of the most common places to see destructuring is in pulling apart the arguments passed to a function.

Here we have the standard let x equal this, let y equal that, etc…​ Again, this is perfectly valid code, it’s just verbose.

(defn print-coordinates-1 [point]
  (let [x (first point)
        y (second point)
        z (last point)]
    (println "x:" x ", y:" y ", z:" z)))

Any time we see code that is using first, second, nth, or get to pull apart a data structure, it’s likely that destructuring can clean that up - we can start by rewriting the let:

(defn print-coordinates-2 [point]
  (let [[x y z] point]
    (println "x:" x ", y:" y ", z:" z)))

When defining a function in clojure, destructuring can be applied on the incoming parameters, just like in a let:

(defn print-coordinates-3 [[x y z]]
  (println "x:" x ", y:" y ", z:" z))

We have replaced several lines of code that pulled apart the incoming point data with a concise statement about the structure of that data that also binds the data to local values.

For a more realistic example, let’s create a map containing some basic contact information for the infamous John Smith.

(def john-smith {:f-name "John"
                 :l-name "Smith"
                 :phone "555-555-5555"
                 :company "Functional Industries"
                 :title "Sith Lord of Git"})

Now that we have John’s personal information we need to access the values within this map.

(defn print-contact-info [{:keys [f-name l-name phone company title]}]
  (println f-name l-name "is the" title "at" company)
  (println "You can reach him at" phone))

(print-contact-info john-smith)
;= John Smith is the Sith Lord of Git at Functional Industries
;= You can reach him at 555-555-5555

This function will associatively destructure the input using the :keys shortcut and then print out the contact information that we provided.

But what about when we want to send John a nice letter?

(def john-smith {:f-name "John"
                 :l-name "Smith"
                 :phone "555-555-5555"
                 :address {:street "452 Lisp Ln."
                           :city "Macroville"
                           :state "Kentucky"
                           :zip "81321"}
                 :hobbies ["running" "hiking" "basketball"]
                 :company "Functional Industries"
                 :title "Sith Lord of Git"})

We have an address in there now, but we needed to nest a map into our original structure in order to accomplish this.

(defn print-contact-info
  [{:keys [f-name l-name phone company title]
    {:keys [street city state zip]} :address
    [fav-hobby second-hobby] :hobbies}]
  (println f-name l-name "is the" title "at" company)
  (println "You can reach him at" phone)
  (println "He lives at" street city state zip)
  (println "Maybe you can write to him about" fav-hobby "or" second-hobby))

(print-contact-info john-smith)
;= John Smith is the Sith Lord of Git at Functional Industries
;= You can reach him at 555-555-5555
;= He lives at 452 Lisp Ln. Macroville Kentucky 81321
;= Maybe you can write to him about running or hiking


Macro writers may find the need to write a macro that incorporates destructuring. The most common way to do so is to produce a call to something that already does destructuring (like let, loop, fn, etc). Some examples of this in clojure.core include if-let, when-let, when-some, etc.

However, in rare cases you might want to instead resolve the destructuring yourself in a macro. In this case, use the (undocumented) clojure.core/destructure function, which implements the destructuring logic and is what let and loop actually invoke. The destructure function is designed to be invoked in a macro and expects to take a form and return a form:

(destructure '[[x & remaining :as all] numbers])
;= [vec__1 numbers
;=  x (clojure.core/nth vec__1 0 nil)
;=  remaining (clojure.core/nthnext vec__1 1)
;=  all vec__1]

The result was formatted here to give it a little more clarity. This example should also give you some insight into how destructuring works under the hood.

Original author: Michael Zavarella