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Comparators Guide

Note: This document describes Clojure 1.10 and Java 8, but applies to most other versions as well.


A comparator is a function that takes two arguments x and y and returns a value indicating the relative order in which x and y should be sorted. It can be a 3-way comparator returning an integer, or a 2-way comparator returning a boolean. See the DOs below for what the return values should be, depending upon the order of x and y.

In Clojure you need comparators for sorting a collection of values, or for maintaining a collection of values in a desired sorted order, e.g a sorted-map, sorted-set, or priority-map (also known as a priority queue).

The default comparator compare works well for sorting numbers in increasing order, or strings, keywords, or symbols, in lexicographic (i.e dictionary) order, and a few other cases. See below for examples and more details.

If compare does not do what you want, you must provide your own comparator that does. Each of the recommendations below is explained in more detail later in this document.


  • Ensure that your comparators are based on a total order over the values you want to compare. It should be able to compare any pair of values that can appear in your data set, and determine which value should come first (or that they are equal).

  • Write either a 3-way comparator or a boolean comparator:

    • A 3-way comparator takes 2 values, x and y, and returns a Java 32-bit int that is negative if x comes before y, positive if x comes after y, or 0 if they are equal. Use values -1, 0, and 1 if you have no reason to prefer other return values.

    • A boolean comparator takes 2 values, x and y, and returns true if x comes before y, or false otherwise (including if x and y are equal). < and > are good examples. <= and >= are not. Performance note: your boolean comparator may be called twice to distinguish between the "comes after" or "equals" cases.

  • Reverse the sort by reversing the order that you give the arguments to an existing comparator.

  • Compare equal-length Clojure vectors containing "sort keys" in order to do a multi-field comparison between values.

  • Remove or replace occurrences of "Not a Number" (##NaN) from your data before sorting a collection, and avoid using them as parts of keys in a sorted collection.


  • Do not write a boolean comparator that returns true if the values are equal. Such a comparator is inconsistent. It will cause sorted collections to behave incorrectly, and sorting to give unpredictable orders.

  • Do not use comparators for sorted sets and maps that treat two values as equal, unless you want at most one of those two values to appear in the sorted collection.

  • Do not use subtraction when writing a 3-way comparator, unless you really know what you are doing.


Here we describe the default sorting order provided by the function compare. After that we give examples of other comparators, with some guidelines to follow and mistakes to avoid when writing your own.

Clojure’s default comparator

If you do not specify your own comparator, sorting is done by a built-in function compare. compare works for many types of values, ordering them in one particular way:

  • numbers are sorted in increasing numeric order, returning 0 if two numbers are numerically equal by ==, even if = returns false. Exception: Even though (== ##NaN x) is false for all numbers x, even ##NaN, (compare ##NaN x) is 0 for all numbers x, including ##NaN.

  • strings are sorted in lexicographic order (aka dictionary order) by their representation as sequences of UTF-16 code units. This is alphabetical order (case-sensitive) for strings restricted to the ASCII subset.

  • symbols are sorted first by their namespace, if they have one, and if they have the same namespace, then by their name. Both the namespace and names are compared as their string representations would be, lexicographically. All symbols that do not have a namespace are sorted before any symbol with a namespace.

  • keywords are sorted the same way as symbols, but an exception is thrown if you attempt to compare a keyword to a symbol.

  • vectors are sorted from fewest elements to most elements, with lexicographic ordering among equal length vectors.

  • Clojure refs are sorted in the order that they were created.

  • All Java types implementing the Comparable interface such as characters, booleans, File, URI, and UUID are compared via their compareTo methods.

  • nil: can be compared to all values above, and is considered less than anything else.

compare throws an exception if given two values whose types are "too different", e.g. it can compare integers, longs, and doubles to each other, but not strings to keywords or keywords to symbols. It cannot compare lists, sequences, sets, or maps.

The examples below with sort, sorted-set, and sorted-map all use the default comparator.

user> (sort [22/7 2.71828 ##-Inf 1 55 3N])
(##-Inf 1 2.71828 3N 22/7 55)

user> (sorted-set "aardvark" "boo" "a" "Antelope" "bar")
#{"Antelope" "a" "aardvark" "bar" "boo"}

user> (sorted-set 'user/foo 'clojure.core/pprint 'bar 'clojure.core/apply 'user/zz)
#{bar clojure.core/apply clojure.core/pprint user/foo user/zz}

user> (sorted-map :map-key 10, :amp [3 2 1], :blammo "kaboom")
{:amp [3 2 1], :blammo "kaboom", :map-key 10}

user> (sort [[-8 2 5] [-5 -1 20] [1 2] [1 -5] [10000]])
([10000] [1 -5] [1 2] [-8 2 5] [-5 -1 20])

user> (import '(java.util UUID))

user> (sort [(UUID. 0xa 0) (UUID. 5 0x11) (UUID. 5 0xb)])
(#uuid "00000000-0000-0005-0000-00000000000b"
 #uuid "00000000-0000-0005-0000-000000000011"
 #uuid "00000000-0000-000a-0000-000000000000")

user> (sort [:ns2/kw1 :ns2/kw2 :ns1/kw2 :kw2 nil])
(nil :kw2 :ns1/kw2 :ns2/kw1 :ns2/kw2)

An exception will be thrown if you call compare with different types. Any numeric types above can be compared to each other, but not to a non-numeric type. An exception will also be thrown if you use compare on a list, set, map, or any other type not mentioned above. You must implement your own comparator if you wish to sort such values.

Off-the-shelf comparators

First consider using well-tested comparators developed by others, especially if they are complex.

A perfect example of this would be sorting Unicode strings in different languages in orders specific to different locales. The Java Collator class and ICU (International Components for Unicode) provide libraries for this.

Writing your own comparators

Reverse order

To sort numbers in decreasing order, simply write a comparator that calls compare with the arguments in the opposite order:

user> (sort [4 2 3 1])
(1 2 3 4)

user> (defn reverse-cmp [a b]
        (compare b a))

user> (sort reverse-cmp [4 3 2 1])
(4 3 2 1)

Such short functions are often written using Clojure’s #() notation, where the two arguments are %1 and %2, in that order.

user> (sort #(compare %2 %1) [4 3 2 1])

reverse-cmp will also work for all other types compare works for.

Multi-field comparators

Because equal-length Clojure vectors are compared lexicographically, they can be used to do multi-field sorting on values like maps or records. This only works if the fields are already sorted by compare in the order you wish (or the reverse of that).

First we will show a way to do it that does not compare vectors.

(def john1 {:name "John", :salary 35000.00, :company "Acme"})
(def mary  {:name "Mary", :salary 35000.00, :company "Mars Inc"})
(def john2 {:name "John", :salary 40000.00, :company "Venus Co"})
(def john3 {:name "John", :salary 30000.00, :company "Asteroids-R-Us"})
(def people [john1 mary john2 john3])

(defn by-salary-name-co [x y]
  ;; :salary values sorted in decreasing order because x and y
  ;; swapped in this compare.
  (let [c (compare (:salary y) (:salary x))]
    (if (not= c 0)
      ;; :name and :company are sorted in increasing order
      (let [c (compare (:name x) (:name y))]
        (if (not= c 0)
          (let [c (compare (:company x) (:company y))]

user> (pprint (sort by-salary-name-co people))
({:name "John", :salary 40000.0, :company "Venus Co"}
 {:name "John", :salary 35000.0, :company "Acme"}
 {:name "Mary", :salary 35000.0, :company "Mars Inc"}
 {:name "John", :salary 30000.0, :company "Asteroids-R-Us"})

Below is the shorter way, by comparing Clojure vectors. It behaves exactly the same as above. Note that as above, the field :salary is sorted in descending order because x and y are swapped.

(defn by-salary-name-co2 [x y]
    (compare [(:salary y) (:name x) (:company x)]
             [(:salary x) (:name y) (:company y)]))

user> (pprint (sort by-salary-name-co2 people))
({:name "John", :salary 40000.0, :company "Venus Co"}
 {:name "John", :salary 35000.0, :company "Acme"}
 {:name "Mary", :salary 35000.0, :company "Mars Inc"}
 {:name "John", :salary 30000.0, :company "Asteroids-R-Us"})

The above is fine for key values that are inexpensive to compute from the values being sorted. If the key values are expensive to compute, it is better to calculate them once for each value. See the "decorate-sort-undecorate" technique described in the documentation for sort-by.

Boolean comparators

Java comparators are all 3-way, meaning they return a negative, 0, or positive integer depending upon whether the first argument should be considered less than, equal to, or greater than the second argument.

In Clojure, you may also use boolean comparators that return true if the first argument should come before the second argument, or false otherwise (i.e. should come after, or it is equal). The function < is a perfect example, as long as you only need to compare numbers. > works for sorting numbers in decreasing order. Behind the scenes, when such a Clojure function bool-cmp-fn is "called as a comparator", Clojure runs code that works like this to return an int instead:

(if (bool-cmp-fn x y)
  -1     ; x < y
  (if (bool-cmp-fn y x)  ; note the reversed argument order
    1    ; x > y
    0))  ; x = y

You can see this by calling the compare method of any Clojure function. Below is an example with a custom version my-< of < that prints its arguments when it is called, so you can see the cases where it is called more than once:

user> (defn my-< [a b]
        (println "(my-<" a b ") returns " (< a b))
        (< a b))

;; (. o (compare a b)) calls the method named compare for object
;; o, with arguments a and b.  In this case the object is the
;; Clojure function my-<
user> (. my-< (compare 1 2))
(my-< 1 2 ) returns  true
user> (. my-< (compare 2 1))
(my-< 2 1 ) returns  false
(my-< 1 2 ) returns  true
user> (. my-< (compare 1 1))
(my-< 1 1 ) returns  false
(my-< 1 1 ) returns  false

;; Calling a Clojure function in the normal way uses its invoke
;; method, not compare.
user> (. my-< (invoke 2 1))
(my-< 2 1 ) returns  false

See Clojure source file src/jvm/clojure/lang/ method compare if you want all the details.

General rules for comparators

Any comparator, whether 3-way or boolean, should return answers consistent with a total order on the values you want to compare.

A total order is simply an ordering of all values from smallest to largest, where some groups of values can all be equal to each other. Every pair of values must be comparable to each other (i.e. no "I do not know how to compare them" answers from the comparator).

For example, you can order all fractions written in the form m/n for integers m and n from smallest to largest, in the usual way this is done in mathematics. Many of the fractions would be equal to each other, e.g. 1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6. A comparator implementing that total order should behave as if they are all the same.

A 3-way comparator (cmp a b) should return a negative, positive, or 0 int if a is before, after, or is considered equal to b in the total order, respectively.

A boolean comparator (cmp a b) should return true if a is before b in the total order, or false if a is after or considered equal to b. That is, it should work like < does for numbers. As explained later, it should not behave like <= for numbers (see section "Comparators for sorted sets and maps are easy to get wrong").

Mistakes to avoid

Be wary of "Not a Number" values as compared values in sorted collections

Clojure’s default comparator compare treats "Not a Number" (##NaN) values as equal to all other numbers. If you call sort on sequences of numbers that contain occurrences of ##NaN, it might throw an exception.

user> (sort [##NaN 5 13 ##NaN 3 7 12 ##NaN 8 4 2 20 6 9 ##NaN 50 83 19 -7 0 18 26 30 42 ##NaN 57 90 -8 -12 43 87 38])
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at java.util.TimSort/mergeHi (
Comparison method violates its general contract!

Even if it does not throw an exception, it is likely that the returned sequence will not be sorted. This is because compare does not put ##NaN into a total order with other numbers as a comparator should, in order for sort to work correctly:

user> (sort [##NaN 10 5 13 ##NaN 3 7 12 ##NaN 8 4 2 20 6 9 ##NaN 50 83 19 -7])
(##NaN -7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 ##NaN ##NaN 9 19 20 ##NaN 50 83)

Because ##NaN is not equal to any other value, you cannot use code like this to remove values from a sequence of numbers:

user> (remove #(= % ##NaN) [9 3 ##NaN 4])
(9 3 ##NaN 4)

You may use the function NaN? to determine whether a value is ##NaN. The function NaN? was added in Clojure version 1.11.0. You may use the Java method Double/isNaN with any version of Clojure:

user> (remove NaN? [9 3 ##NaN 4])
(9 3 4)
user> (remove #(Double/isNaN %) [9 3 ##NaN 4])
(9 3 4)

Comparators for sorted sets and maps are easy to get wrong

This is just as accurately stated as "comparators are easy to get wrong", but it is often more noticeable when you use a bad comparator for sorted sets and maps. If you write the kinds of bad comparators in this section and use them to call sort, usually little or nothing will go wrong (although inconsistent comparators are not good for sorting, either). With sorted sets and maps, these bad comparators can cause values not to be added to your sorted collections, or to be added but not be found when you search for them.

Suppose you want a sorted set containing vectors of two elements, where each is a string followed by a number, e.g. ["a" 5]. You want the set sorted by the number, and to allow multiple vectors with the same number but different strings. Your first try might be to write something like by-2nd:

(defn by-2nd [a b]
  (compare (second a) (second b)))

But look what happens when you try to add multiple vectors with the same number.

user> (sorted-set-by by-2nd ["a" 1] ["b" 1] ["c" 1])
#{["a" 1]}

Only one element is in the set, because by-2nd treats all three of the vectors as equal. Sets should not contain duplicate elements, so the other elements are not added.

A common thought in such a case is to use a boolean comparator function based on <= instead of <:

(defn by-2nd-<= [a b]
  (<= (second a) (second b)))

The boolean comparator by-2nd-<= seems to work correctly on the first step of creating the set, but fails when testing whether elements are in the set.

user> (def sset (sorted-set-by by-2nd-<= ["a" 1] ["b" 1] ["c" 1]))
user> sset
#{["c" 1] ["b" 1] ["a" 1]}
user> (sset ["c" 1])
user> (sset ["b" 1])
user> (sset ["a" 1])

The problem here is that by-2nd-<= gives inconsistent answers. If you ask it whether ["c" 1] comes before ["b" 1], it returns true (which Clojure’s boolean-to-int comparator conversion turns into -1). If you ask it whether ["b" 1] comes before ["c" 1], again it returns true (again converted into -1 by Clojure). One cannot reasonably expect an implementation of a sorted data structure to provide any kind of guarantees on its behavior if you give it an inconsistent comparator.

The techniques described in "Multi-field comparators" above provide correct comparators for this example. In general, be wary of comparing only parts of values to each other. Consider having some kind of tie-breaking condition after all of the fields of interest to you have been compared.

Aside: If you do not want multiple vectors in your set with the same number, by-2nd is the comparator you should use. It gives exactly the behavior you want. (TBD: Are there any caveats here? Will sorted-set ever use = to compare elements for any reason, or only the supplied comparator function?)

Beware using subtraction in a comparator

Java comparators return a negative int value if the first argument is to be treated as less than the second, a positive int value if the first argument is to be treated as greater than the second, and 0 if they are equal.

user> (compare 10 20)
user> (compare 20 10)
user> (compare 20 20)

Because of this, you might be tempted to write a comparator by subtracting one numeric value from another, like so.

user> (sort #(- %1 %2) [4 2 3 1])
(1 2 3 4)

While this works in many cases, think twice (or three times) before using this technique. It is less error-prone to use explicit conditional checks and return -1, 0, or 1, or to use boolean comparators.

Why? Java comparators must return a 32-bit int type, so when a Clojure function is used as a comparator and it returns any type of number, that number is converted to an int behind the scenes using the Java method intValue. See Clojure source file src/jvm/clojure/lang/ method compare if you want the details.

For comparing floating point numbers and ratios, this causes numbers differing by less than 1 to be treated as equal, because a return value between -1 and 1 is truncated to the int 0:

;; This gives the correct answer
user> (sort #(- %1 %2) [10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0])
(7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0)

;; but this does not, because all values are treated as equal by
;; the bad comparator.
user> (sort #(- %1 %2) [1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7])
(1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7)

;; .intValue converts all values between -1.0 and 1.0 to 0
user> (map #(.intValue %) [-1.0 -0.99 -0.1 0.1 0.99 1.0])
(-1 0 0 0 0 1)

This also leads to bugs when comparing integer values that differ by amounts that change sign when you truncate it to a 32-bit int (by discarding all but its least significant 32 bits). About half of all pairs of long values are compared incorrectly by using subtraction as a comparator.

;; This looks good
user> (sort #(- %1 %2) [4 2 3 1])
(1 2 3 4)

;; What the heck?
user> (sort #(- %1 %2) [2147483650 2147483651 2147483652 4 2 3 1])
(3 4 2147483650 2147483651 2147483652 1 2)

user> [Integer/MIN_VALUE Integer/MAX_VALUE]
[-2147483648 2147483647]

;; How .intValue truncates a few selected values.  Note especially
;; the first and last ones.
user> (map #(.intValue %) [-2147483649 -2147483648 -1 0 1
                            2147483647  2147483648])
(2147483647 -2147483648 -1 0 1 2147483647 -2147483648)

Java itself uses a subtraction comparator for strings and characters, among others. This does not cause any problems, because the result of subtracting an arbitrary pair of 16-bit characters converted to ints is guaranteed to fit within an int without wrapping around. If your comparator is not guaranteed to be given such restricted inputs, better not to risk it.

Comparators that work between different types

Sometimes you might wish to sort a collection of values by some key, but that key is not unique. You want the values with the same key to be sorted in some predictable, repeatable order, but you do not care much what that order is.

As a toy example, you might have a collection of vectors, each with two elements, where the first element is always a string and the second is always a number. You want to sort them by the number value in increasing order, but you know your data can contain more than one vector with the same number. You want to break ties in some way, consistently across multiple sorts.

This case is easily implemented using a multi-field comparator as described in an earlier section.

(defn by-number-then-string [[a-str a-num] [b-str b-num]]
  (compare [a-num a-str]
           [b-num b-str]))

If the entire vector values can be compared with compare, because all vectors are equal length, and the type of each corresponding elements can be compared to each other with compare, then you can also do this, using the entire vector values as the final tie-breaker:

(defn by-number-then-whatever [a-vec b-vec]
  (compare [(second a-vec) a-vec]
           [(second b-vec) b-vec]))

However, that will throw an exception if some element position in the vectors contain types too different for compare to work on, and those vectors have the same second element:

;; compare throws exception if you try to compare a string and a
;; keyword
user> (sort by-number-then-whatever [["a" 2] ["c" 3] [:b 2]])
Execution error (ClassCastException) at user/by-number-then-whatever (REPL:2).
class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.Keyword

cc-cmp ("cross class compare") below may be useful in such cases. It can compare values of different types, which it orders based on a string that represents the type of the value. It is not simply (class x), because then numbers like Integer and Long would not be sorted in numeric order. The library clj-arrangement may also be useful to you.

;; comparison-class throws exceptions for some types that might be
;; useful to include.

(defn comparison-class [x]
  (cond (nil? x) ""
        ;; Lump all numbers together since Clojure's compare can
        ;; compare them all to each other sensibly.
        (number? x) "java.lang.Number"

        ;; sequential? includes lists, conses, vectors, and seqs of
        ;; just about any collection, although it is recommended not
        ;; to use this to compare seqs of unordered collections like
        ;; sets or maps (vectors should be OK).  This should be
        ;; everything we would want to compare using cmp-seq-lexi
        ;; below.  TBD: Does it leave anything out?  Include anything
        ;; it should not?
        (sequential? x) "clojure.lang.Sequential"

        (set? x) "clojure.lang.IPersistentSet"
        (map? x) "clojure.lang.IPersistentMap"
        (.isArray (class x)) "java.util.Arrays"

        ;; Comparable includes Boolean, Character, String, Clojure
        ;; refs, and many others.
        (instance? Comparable x) (.getName (class x))
        :else (throw
               (ex-info (format "cc-cmp does not implement comparison of values with class %s"
                                (.getName (class x)))
                        {:value x}))))

(defn cmp-seq-lexi
  [cmpf x y]
  (loop [x x
         y y]
    (if (seq x)
      (if (seq y)
        (let [c (cmpf (first x) (first y))]
          (if (zero? c)
            (recur (rest x) (rest y))
        ;; else we reached end of y first, so x > y
      (if (seq y)
        ;; we reached end of x first, so x < y
        ;; Sequences contain same elements.  x = y

;; The same result can be obtained by calling cmp-seq-lexi on two
;; vectors, but cmp-vec-lexi should allocate less memory comparing
;; vectors.
(defn cmp-vec-lexi
  [cmpf x y]
  (let [x-len (count x)
        y-len (count y)
        len (min x-len y-len)]
    (loop [i 0]
      (if (== i len)
        ;; If all elements 0..(len-1) are same, shorter vector comes
        ;; first.
        (compare x-len y-len)
        (let [c (cmpf (x i) (y i))]
          (if (zero? c)
            (recur (inc i))

(defn cmp-array-lexi
  [cmpf x y]
  (let [x-len (alength x)
        y-len (alength y)
        len (min x-len y-len)]
    (loop [i 0]
      (if (== i len)
        ;; If all elements 0..(len-1) are same, shorter array comes
        ;; first.
        (compare x-len y-len)
        (let [c (cmpf (aget x i) (aget y i))]
          (if (zero? c)
            (recur (inc i))

(defn cc-cmp
  [x y]
  (let [x-cls (comparison-class x)
        y-cls (comparison-class y)
        c (compare x-cls y-cls)]
    (cond (not= c 0) c  ; different classes

          ;; Compare sets to each other as sequences, with elements in
          ;; sorted order.
          (= x-cls "clojure.lang.IPersistentSet")
          (cmp-seq-lexi cc-cmp (sort cc-cmp x) (sort cc-cmp y))

          ;; Compare maps to each other as sequences of [key val]
          ;; pairs, with pairs in order sorted by key.
          (= x-cls "clojure.lang.IPersistentMap")
          (cmp-seq-lexi cc-cmp
                        (sort-by key cc-cmp (seq x))
                        (sort-by key cc-cmp (seq y)))

          (= x-cls "java.util.Arrays")
          (cmp-array-lexi cc-cmp x y)

          ;; Make a special check for two vectors, since cmp-vec-lexi
          ;; should allocate less memory comparing them than
          ;; cmp-seq-lexi.  Both here and for comparing sequences, we
          ;; must use cc-cmp recursively on the elements, because if
          ;; we used compare we would lose the ability to compare
          ;; elements with different types.
          (and (vector? x) (vector? y)) (cmp-vec-lexi cc-cmp x y)

          ;; This will compare any two sequences, if they are not both
          ;; vectors, e.g. a vector and a list will be compared here.
          (= x-cls "clojure.lang.Sequential")
          (cmp-seq-lexi cc-cmp x y)

          :else (compare x y))))

Here is a quick example demonstrating `cc-cmp’s ability to compare values of different types.

user> (pprint (sort cc-cmp [true false nil Double/MAX_VALUE 10
                            Integer/MIN_VALUE :a "b" 'c (ref 5)
                            [5 4 3] '(5 4) (seq [5]) (cons 6 '(1))
                            #{1 2 3} #{2 1}
                            {:a 1, :b 2} {:a 1, :b -2}
                            (object-array [1 2 3 4])]))
 {:a 1, :b -2}
 {:a 1, :b 2}
 #{1 2}
 #{1 2 3}
 #<Ref@1493d9b3: 5>
 (5 4)
 [5 4 3]
 (6 1)
 [1, 2, 3, 4])

Original author: Andy Fingerhut