
Learn Clojure - Hashed Collections

As described in the previous section, there are four key Clojure collection types: vectors, lists, sets, and maps. Of those four collection types, sets and maps are hashed collections, designed for efficient lookup of elements.


Sets are like mathematical sets - unordered and with no duplicates. Sets are ideal for efficiently checking whether a collection contains an element, or to remove any arbitrary element.

(def players #{"Alice", "Bob", "Kelly"})

Adding to a set

As with vectors and lists, conj is used to add elements.

user=> (conj players "Fred")
#{"Alice" "Fred" "Bob" "Kelly"}

Removing from a set

The disj ("disjoin") function is used to remove one or more elements from a set.

user=> players
#{"Alice" "Kelly" "Bob"}
user=> (disj players "Bob" "Sal")
#{"Alice" "Kelly"}

As you can see, it’s fine to disj elements that don’t exist in the set.

Checking containment

user=> (contains? players "Kelly")

Sorted sets

Sorted sets are sorted according to a comparator function which can compare two elements. By default, Clojure’s compare function is used, which sorts in "natural" order for numbers, strings, etc.

user=> (conj (sorted-set) "Bravo" "Charlie" "Sigma" "Alpha")
#{"Alpha" "Bravo" "Charlie" "Sigma"}

A custom comparator can also be used with sorted-set-by.


into is used for putting one collection into another.

user=> (def players #{"Alice" "Bob" "Kelly"})
user=> (def new-players ["Tim" "Sue" "Greg"])
user=> (into players new-players)
#{"Alice" "Greg" "Sue" "Bob" "Tim" "Kelly"}

into returns a collection of the same type as its first argument.


Maps are commonly used for two purposes - to manage an association of keys to values and to represent domain application data. The first use case is often referred to as dictionaries or hash maps in other languages.

Creating a literal map

Maps are represented as alternating keys and values surrounded by { and }.

(def scores {"Fred"  1400
             "Bob"   1240
             "Angela" 1024})

When Clojure prints a map at the REPL, it will put `,’s between each key/value pair. These are purely used for readability - commas are treated as whitespace in Clojure. Feel free to use them in cases where they help you!

;; same as the last one!
(def scores {"Fred" 1400, "Bob" 1240, "Angela" 1024})

Adding new key-value pairs

New values are added to maps with the assoc (short for "associate") function:

user=> (assoc scores "Sally" 0)
{"Angela" 1024, "Bob" 1240, "Fred" 1400, "Sally" 0}

If the key used in assoc already exists, the value is replaced.

user=> (assoc scores "Bob" 0)
{"Angela" 1024, "Bob" 0, "Fred" 1400}

Removing key-value pairs

The complementary operation for removing key-value pairs is dissoc ("dissociate"):

user=> (dissoc scores "Bob")
{"Angela" 1024, "Fred" 1400}

Looking up by key

There are several ways to look up a value in a map. The most obvious is the function get:

user=> (get scores "Angela")

When the map in question is being treated as a constant lookup table, it’s common to invoke the map itself, treating it as a function:

user=> (def directions {:north 0
                        :east 1
                        :south 2
                        :west 3})

user=> (directions :north)

You should not directly invoke a map unless you can guarantee it will be non-nil:

user=> (def bad-lookup-map nil)

user=> (bad-lookup-map :foo)
Execution error (NullPointerException) at user/eval154 (REPL:1).

Looking up with a default

If you want to do a lookup and fall back to a default value when the key is not found, specify the default as an extra parameter:

user=> (get scores "Sam" 0)
user=> (directions :northwest -1)

Using a default is also helpful to distinguish between a missing key and an existing key with a nil value.

Checking contains

There are two other functions that are helpful in checking whether a map contains an entry.

user=> (contains? scores "Fred")

user=> (find scores "Fred")
["Fred" 1400]

The contains? function is a predicate for checking containment. The find function finds the key/value entry in a map, not just the value.

Keys or values

You can also get just the keys or just the values in a map:

user=> (keys scores)
("Fred" "Bob" "Angela")

user=> (vals scores)
(1400 1240 1024)

While maps are unordered, there is a guarantee that keys, vals, and other functions that walk in "sequence" order will always walk a particular map instance entries in the same order.

Building a map

The zipmap function can be used to "zip" together two sequences (the keys and vals) into a map:

user=> (def players #{"Alice" "Bob" "Kelly"})

user=> (zipmap players (repeat 0))
{"Kelly" 0, "Bob" 0, "Alice" 0}

There are a variety of other ways to build up a map using Clojure’s sequence functions (which we have not yet discussed). Come back to these later!

;; with map and into
(into {} (map (fn [player] [player 0]) players))

;; with reduce
(reduce (fn [m player]
          (assoc m player 0))
        {} ; initial value

Combining maps

The merge function can be used to combine multiple maps into a single map:

user=> (def new-scores {"Angela" 300 "Jeff" 900})

user=> (merge scores new-scores)
{"Fred" 1400, "Bob" 1240, "Jeff" 900, "Angela" 300}

We merged two maps here but you can pass more as well.

If both maps contain the same key, the rightmost one wins. Alternately, you can use merge-with to supply a function to invoke when there is a conflict:

user=> (def new-scores {"Fred" 550 "Angela" 900 "Sam" 1000})

user=> (merge-with + scores new-scores)
{"Sam" 1000, "Fred" 1950, "Bob" 1240, "Angela" 1924}

In the case of a conflict, the function is called on both values to get the new value.

Sorted maps

Similar to sorted sets, sorted maps maintain the keys in sorted order based on a comparator, using compare as the default comparator function.

user=> (def sm (sorted-map
         "Bravo" 204
         "Alfa" 35
         "Sigma" 99
         "Charlie" 100))
{"Alfa" 35, "Bravo" 204, "Charlie" 100, "Sigma" 99}

user=> (keys sm)
("Alfa" "Bravo" "Charlie" "Sigma")

user=> (vals sm)
(35 204 100 99)

Representing application domain information

When we need to represent many domain information with the same set of fields known in advance, you can use a map with keyword keys.

(def person
  {:first-name "Kelly"
   :last-name "Keen"
   :age 32
   :occupation "Programmer"})

Field accessors

Since this is a map, the ways we’ve already discussed for looking up a value by key also work:

user=> (get person :occupation)

user=> (person :occupation)

But really, the most common way to get field values for this use is by invoking the keyword. Just like with maps and sets, keywords are also functions. When a keyword is invoked, it looks itself up in the associative data structure that it was passed.

user=> (:occupation person)

Keyword invocation also takes an optional default value:

user=> (:favorite-color person "beige")

Updating fields

Since this is a map, we can just use assoc to add or modify fields:

user=> (assoc person :occupation "Baker")
{:age 32, :last-name "Keen", :first-name "Kelly", :occupation "Baker"}

Removing a field

Use dissoc to remove fields:

user=> (dissoc person :age)
{:last-name "Keen", :first-name "Kelly", :occupation "Programmer"}

Nested entities

It is common to see entities nested within other entities:

(def company
  {:name "WidgetCo"
   :address {:street "123 Main St"
             :city "Springfield"
             :state "IL"}})

You can use get-in to access fields at any level inside nested entities:

user=> (get-in company [:address :city])

You can also use assoc-in or update-in to modify nested entities:

user=> (assoc-in company [:address :street] "303 Broadway")
{:name "WidgetCo",
 {:state "IL",
  :city "Springfield",
  :street "303 Broadway"}}


An alternative to using maps is to create a "record". Records are designed specifically for this use case and generally have better performance. In addition, they have a named "type" which can be used for polymorphic behavior (more on that later).

Records are defined with the list of field names for record instances. These will be treated as keyword keys in each record instance.

;; Define a record structure
(defrecord Person [first-name last-name age occupation])

;; Positional constructor - generated
(def kelly (->Person "Kelly" "Keen" 32 "Programmer"))

;; Map constructor - generated
(def kelly (map->Person
             {:first-name "Kelly"
              :last-name "Keen"
              :age 32
              :occupation "Programmer"}))

Records are used almost exactly the same as maps, with the caveat that they cannot be invoked as a function like maps.

user=> (:occupation kelly)