
Date: 2023-04-01
Location: online

Visual-tools meeting 17 - coming back, various…​

Visual-tools meeting 17 - coming back, various updates

Please note that some clocks are shifting these days, and the Clojureverse view might be misleading.
The time is 18:00 in UTC time zone. You can click Add to Calendar to add the event to your calendar.
After a break of a few months, the visual tools group will have its 17h meeting on April 1st.
In this meeting, a few of our friends will share updates of their current projects. Please see the gradually updating agenda below, and please reach out to add your topics to the Agenda.
A few of the topics will be updates of ongoing projects, but we will encourage participants to make their presentations self-contained.



Kindly updates: support for Clerk & Quarto, exploring Portal

Clay updates: bridging between interactive backend computation to static documents

… you?

Please use the Going button at the top of this post to mark your participation.
You can also use the Add to Calendar to add the event to your calendar.

The official part will be 90 minutes long.
Sometimes some of us like to stay longer and chat.

Video Call
Zoom link: Launch Meeting - Zoom

The meeting will be recorded and shared publicly.
Some parts will be unrecorded.


Clojure Calendar

These events are sourced from the Clojure events calendar.