Dec 04, 2017 -
Dec 05, 2017
Location: London, United Kingdom
Link: https://skillsmatter.com/conferences/8783-clojure-exchange-2017
The seventh edition of Clojure eXchange (ClojureX) annual conference takes place in London, UK on the 4th & 5th December 2017.
Its a two-day fun-packed conference that attracts speakers from around the world and local developers in the community sharing their experiences.
Have your say in how we put the conference together via our Call For Thoughts and take a look at the video’s from previous conferences.
We hope you will join us and meet hundreds of people from the London Clojurians community and many other like-minded people from around the world.
Thank you
London Clojurians
These events are sourced from the Clojure events calendar.